NEC Exits PBX Market? Now its the best time to move to Cloud PBX for SMEs

This article discusses the advantages of transitioning to ORENCloud’s CloudOffice, a cloud-based telephony solution that offers businesses scalability, cost efficiency, and advanced communication features. It highlights the financial and operational benefits of moving from traditional systems like NEC PBX to cloud telephony, emphasizing features like advanced IVR, integration with Microsoft Teams, reduced IT overhead, enhanced customer engagement, and robust security measures.

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Empowering Businesses Across Malaysia: ORENCloud’s Journey of Innovation and Success

ORENCloud’s blog highlights their success in revolutionizing Malaysian business communications across various industries. Key case studies include enhancing operations in the automotive, sports, cement manufacturing, outsourcing, and technology retail sectors. Each story showcases ORENCloud’s ability to deliver scalable, cost-effective solutions tailored to specific client needs, resulting in improved efficiency, connectivity, and growth. This narrative emphasizes ORENCloud’s commitment to innovation and client success, demonstrating their role as a crucial partner in business transformation and growth in Malaysia.

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Long-Term Cost Savings With Cloud Phone Systems: A Guide for Companies

In this blog post, we explore how companies can achieve long-term cost savings through the utilisation of ORENCloud’s Cloud Office in cloud telephony. By transitioning from capital expenditure to operational expenditure, businesses can redirect capital towards other critical areas while enjoying predictable monthly costs that align with actual usage. Additionally, ORENCloud’s Cloud Office provides scalability, flexibility, reduced human capital requirements, and the elimination of maintenance and support costs, making it an ideal solution for organisations seeking sustained growth and success in the digital age.

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Bertukar dari PRI kepada TM MLS – Apa yang anda perlu tahu

Artikel ini membincangkan beberapa perkara yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh organisasi yang mempertimbangkan untuk beralih daripada PRI ke MLS yang ditawarkan oleh Telekom Malaysia (TM). Suatu ketika nanti, peralihan ini perlu dilakukan kerana TM akan memulakan fasa pemodenan dan pengecilan penggunaan PRI secara berperingkat-peringkat.

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ORENCloud CloudOffice: A Revolutionary Communication Solution

Introduction Communication is an integral part of any business. Without a reliable communication system, it is almost impossible to conduct business operations smoothly. Fortunately, the advancement in technology has revolutionised the way we communicate. One of the most innovative communication solutions available today is ORENCloud Cloud PBX. In this blog post, we will discuss the

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